‘Befriending is a process where two or more people come together with the aim of establishing and developing an informal and social relationship’ (Home Office, 2001)
The Formby Befriending Scheme offers companionship and support to older people who have become isolated or who are no longer able to get out as much as they used to. Our main aim is to match volunteers to older people in Formby, Hightown and Ince Blundell who might benefit from the regular companionship of a ‘befriender’. They often chat at home over a cup of tea or go together to the local shops. Volunteers may help people attend medical appointments or accompany them to local groups or events.
What do people think about the volunteer who visits them? Here are a few of the comments they’ve made:
‘She’s an absolute treasure!’
‘We have so much to talk about I don’t know where the time goes’
‘I don’t know what I’d do without her’
‘She’s my favourite friend’
If you are interested in becoming a befriender please see our Volunteer page